2024-2025 SEASON
OPEN GYMS: Cost $10 a session, all sessions 6:00 to 8:00 pm
Open gyms are designed to give the players lots of ball touches with competitive drills and game-like play. There is no instruction given other than to explain the drill. We are prohibited from giving instruction during open gyms, but open gyms are still a great way for the player to get a lot of game like touches. Cash is taken at the door. No need to sign up - just come on in!
Monday, June 10th -- Ages 10's - 12's
Tuesday, June 11th -- Ages 13's and 14's
Thursday, June 13th -- Ages 15's and 16's
Monday, June 17th -- Ages 10's -12's
Tuesday, June 18th -- Ages 13's and 14's
Thursday, June 20th -- Ages 15's and 16's
Monday, June 24th -- 10's - 12's
Tuesday, June 25th -- 13's and 14's
Thursday, June 27th -- 15's and 16's
Open gyms are located at The Clubhouse: 4136 E. Kearney St. Springfield, MO 65803
The 2024 Summer Tryout period will start on Saturday, July 13. That is the first date that clubs can extend formal offers to players. Players will be able to start accepting offers on Wednesday, July 17.
Clubs are not allowed to make any offers to players before July 11, neither to new, nor returning players. Clubs can start discussing options for the upcoming season with returning players, after the completion of the season, but cannot make offers (nor revoke offers) to those players until July 11.
Apex Volleyball Club is holding open tryouts for all ages 9-18 that have a USAV membership. Don't have a membership? Follow the link below and get a $15 summer membership. If you played club during the 23-24 season, then you have a membership that will work for all open gyms and tryouts this summer.
YOU MUST PRE-REGISTER FOR TRYOUTS BY FILLING OUT THE 24-25 TRYOUT REGISTRATION FORM. SEE LINK BELOW! Please make sure and come to the correct tryout age group! If you are unsure of what age group to try out for, please click on the age calculator button to determine the correct age. Also, please read about the different levels within Apex Volleyball Club. There are different costs and commitments required to play on different teams. You will be asked on the tryout registration form which level of team you are trying out for. Come prepared to work hard and have fun! If you cannot make it to the tryout, this will impact your possibility to make a team. If you cannot attend the tryout, you must email Sue at apexvballclub@gmail.com. There are no guarantees that we will be able to place your athlete, but if you do not contact us prior, then your athlete will not even be considered for a team.
Tryouts are located at The Clubhouse: 4136 E. Kearney St. Springfield, MO 65803
July 13th
13's 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
14's 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
15's 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm *2 day tryout* (Day 1/2)
July 14th
17's & 18's 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
16's 3:30 pm - 6:00 pm
15's 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm *2 day tryout* (Day 2/2)
July 15th
10's & 11's 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm
12's 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
July 16th
MAKE-UP tryouts, if you are unable to attend the regular tryout times, you must register and fill out the form stating that you will be coming to the makeup date!!
13s - 14s: 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm
15s - 18s: 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
You must have a current membership with USA Volleyball for the 23-24 season before you can attend tryouts. Your membership from the 23-24 season is good until the end of August. If you do not have a membership, you will need to purchase a $15 Summer membership that will allow you to attend any HOA sanctioned tryout or open gym. If you are unsure of the age your daughter should try out for, you can click this link and determine the proper tryout age. USAV Age Classification (Needed for Tryout Registration Form). Please make sure you attend the appropriate tryout age group!!
1) A copy of your USAV Membership Card - Link for Membership Card
2) Tryout fee of $15
When your athlete comes to tryouts, she will have a choice of trying out for a regional team, a national team, or both. If you chose to try out for a national team and are placed on one, you will be expected to be at all practices and travel to all tournaments. If your family would rather not travel, then you should try out for a regional team only. See below for more details about the two levels of teams at Apex.
National Teams: National level teams will attend high-level competition tournaments, such as Heart of America power league, national qualifiers, and regionals in order to earn a bid to Nationals in the summer of 2022. Parents and players will be expected to travel more at this level. Please take this into account and make sure your schedules in school, whether it be other sports, dances (proms, etc.), and work schedules will allow for this travel. In addition to time, there will be extra expenses for your personal hotel and travel to these tournaments. Being placed on a national team, and then not attending these tournaments with your team, may disqualify you the next season for a national team.
Regional Teams: Regional level teams will have both local and non-local tournaments. The team, parents, and players will have some input into how much traveling they want to do outside of the local area. Non-local tournaments could include Kansas City area, Joplin, Lebanon, and others within an hour's drive of Springfield, Mo. These teams will practice twice a week until the tournament schedule starts. At that time, practices will be adjusted due to playing on the weekends. The fees for regional teams could vary slightly if your team decides to add additional tournaments. Our regional teams are designed for the players that don’t want to travel or that play other sports that make it difficult to commit to a national team. Players on regional teams may be of high skill level, but just not have the time needed to commit to a national traveling team. Our regional teams are very competitive and usually do very well locally.
Apex Volleyball Club will be training at The Clubhouse. All national teams will be formed to compete at the highest level. Our goal at Apex is to have several national teams within each age division that will compete in power league and regionals with the expectations of earning a bid to nationals. In addition, we want to push our athletes to the highest level to reach their full potential. There is great talent throughout Southwest Missouri. Our hope is to bring this talent together by using our five court training facilities and experienced coaches to improve your individual skills and form competitive teams that will compete nationally.
At Apex, our mission states, “As a club, we have a great passion for the game of volleyball and strive to consistently gain skills to play at a competitive level around the country. Our purpose is to have all youth enhance their skills with our program and to continue into the collegiate level.”